Terrain Generator V0.8

In my last post I wrote what things I wanted to add before version 1.0 and then I went and worked on stuff not on that list. With this update the program moves from just being for creating landscapes that you can import into other software and towards being a stand alone digital art program.

New modes:

  • Erosion - will erode the terrain under the brush
  • Lighting - Allows you to add lighting and a procedurally generated layer of 2D clouds
  • Water - Add an ocean layer around the terrain

Other changes

  • In paint mode it's now possible to mask the terrain based on height or steepness
  • In material mode it's possible to use solid colors as well as textures
  • When procedurally generating a terrain it is possible to rotate each layer of perlin noise relative to the last
  • When clamping the terrain edges in proc gen mode it's possible to select the height to clamp them to
  • Painting over a section of the terrain which has already been painted and then pressing undo will now only remove the new paint


manual_v0_8.pdf 20 MB
May 22, 2022
terrain-generator-osx-beta.zip 632 MB
Version 0.8 May 22, 2022
terrain-generator-windows-beta.zip 621 MB
Version 0.8 May 22, 2022
terrain-generator-linux-beta.zip 629 MB
Version 0.8 May 22, 2022

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